It’s a wrap!

This will be my last blog post here as, excitingly, I’ve got a job and so it seems fitting to wrap up this blog on that piece of good news.

It’s been a crazy intense journey but I am thrilled to be joining the team at the Government Digital Service very soon and start contributing to all the great work that’s being done there. It’s a fabulous opportunity and I love the fact that I’m going to be working on things which help people.

I’m so pleased that I made the decision (see: eventually strong-armed into it by Robbie after listening to me go on about it for months and months) to change my career. Was it scary? Yes. But you know what, that’s what made it all the more exciting.

So what happened after the GA course ended? Well, there was Christmas, which I had been fantasising about during the last sprint of the course – lying on the sofa, eating chocolate coins and drinking my body weight in mulled wine. Unfortunately I had forgotten about the small matter of having a toddler so not much lazing around was done (although I did manage to sneak in a few glasses of bubbly, ha). Then there was the panic and rush of getting together everything for the GA meet and hire event, including website portfolio, printed boards and CVs. Finally, networking, job applications and interviews.

(I really enjoyed the interviews, talking through my UX experience so far and why I’d made the career change. I even enjoyed the design challenges a couple of companies set me. The most terrifying one was the in-interview challenge that I couldn’t prepare for, but it went pretty well.)

I also really enjoyed writing this blog along the way. Don’t fret, you can still catch me on Medium sharing my musings, but in the meantime, if anyone needs me I’ll be buying a new work wardrobe and hanging out at play groups.

Thanks for reading 😀

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